Burckhardt and Miguel will present again this year at tcworld2018, sharing their ideas on “How Good is ‘Good Enough’? – On The ‘Fast Foodifying’ of Translation”.
The fearless fighters for translation equality
The annual conference based in Stuttgart, Germany, touches upon topics ranging from Augmented Reality to contractual law and gathers more than 4500 international participants and fair visitors each year. Burckhardt Rueffer, CEO, and Miguel Sevener, Account Manager, will be exploring the options for small Language Service Providers in this era of market consolidation and what they call the “Fast Foodifying” of Translation.
Their tongue-in-cheek but serious approach to explaining the alarming trends we are experiencing in the Language Service Industry will close out the GALA localization track at the conference. Attendees who wish to join in and discuss these concepts and their effect on all of us will be able to catch them on Wednesday Nov 14 at 5:15 PM in Room C7.2 at Messe Stuttgart.
Based on their extensive experience with the ever-changing requirements of translation and localization they will dive into some of the concepts that surround the ‘Fast Foodifying’ - the breaking up of larger translation projects into smaller updates with shorter life-spans and the branching of language and tech as two separate heads of a single industry.
They will discuss the effects this has not only on translation providers, but also on content creators and content consumers. In the spirit of “the pursuit of happiness” they will attempt to define how good a translation needs to be to be “good enough” for all players involved in the process.
To read more about the conference and to see this year’s program, please visit tcworld2018 or see more details about the GALA Localization Track